New Features in Power2Practice

Power2Practice’s latest enhancements that will supercharge your practice’s potential.


BirdEye Partnership – Reputation & Review Management: Shine online! Discover our new collaboration with BirdEye, which elevates your online presence, garners positive reviews, and seamlessly manages your reputation. A robust digital footprint means increased trust and a broader patient base.

Optimized User Experience with Fullscript: Integration at its finest! Enjoy a seamless, hassle-free Fullscript experience that simplifies prescribing and managing supplements. Access over 20,000 professional-grade supplements instantly to optimize patient care.

Patient Recall Functionality: Never miss an appointment again! Our advanced patient recall system ensures timely follow-ups, boosts patient retention, and improves health outcomes while automating your workflow.

Enhanced Super Bill: The reimbursement process just got easier and more efficient! Our improved super bill feature simplifies the coding and billing process, ensuring accuracy, compliance, and faster reimbursements.

New ‘Estimates’ Feature: Transparency to the next level! Provide your patients with clear, detailed cost estimates before procedures, promoting trust and upfront communication — a win-win for patient satisfaction and practice loyalty.


Coming Soon:

Discounted Lab Pricing: Quality care, more savings! Stay tuned for our upcoming feature offering exclusive discounts on lab tests. Provide comprehensive care at a fraction of the cost without compromising quality.

Membership Functionality: More than a practice — a community. Prepare for a revolutionary membership model that fosters patient loyalty, offers consistent revenue, and builds a thriving practice community.

Online Scheduling: Statistics indicate that implementing the new Online Scheduling feature can boost your schedule by up to 10%.

For more information schedule a demo HERE.